Mimi is retiring from traveling, but is teaching in the Baltimore, Maryland area. |
Baltimore Bouquets
Mimi has lived in the Baltimore area all of her life and naturally loves appliqued Baltimore Album Quilts. This lecture features a variety of appliqued quilts, including floral wreaths, baskets, bouquets, quilts inspired by antique appliqued quilts, and contemporary Baltimore album quilts. Mimi will also share secrets for making group qpplique quilts. She will bring the quilts from her book Baltimore Bouquets and Baltimore Basics .
Vintage Inspirations
Mimi loves antique traditional quilt designs. She has used museum quilts to inspire new quilts and fabric based on vintage patterns. During her quilting career, Mimi has worked with reproduction fabrics from the Smithsonian Institution and the Baltimore Museum of Art. She will be bringing quilts for the lecture and will entertain you as she relates her quilt-making adventures.
A Quarter Century of Quilting
In 2000 when my oldest son turned 25, I realized I had been quilting for 25 years! For this lecture, I've gathered together my first quilt, my latest quilt, and many more in between. Reminisce with me as you see quilts that were pictured in Quilter's Newsletter 20 years ago. You will be amazed at the variety of styles, colors, and patterns that I have quilted in this time! The one theme that seems constant is applique! This lecture is a trunk show with real quilts - no slides- and a few fun surprises - Mimi's latest projects!
Pink Ribbon Quilts
Mimi's book, Pink Ribbon Quilts , contains 12 projects made with a pink ribbon theme for breast cancer awareness. During this lecture, Mimi will bring the quilts and talk about her experiences as a breast cancer survivor. Themes of awareness, hope, friendship, family, love, and care are stitched together in these inspiring quilts. $100 from each lecture will be donated to breast cancer research.
Happy Endings
Based on Mimi's first book, Happy Endings , this lecture-demonstration explores many choices for finishing the edges of your quilts. Learn how to finish quilts without binding, how to use the quilt backing to finish the edges, how to make and apply binding, and how to create special effects with cording, ruffles, and prairie points. These are techniques you can use on every quilt that you make!